Thursday, March 29, 2007

Whatz Happening?

Whatz happening? I don't know. They send us memos saying repairs are not done, they send us memos saying we will meet to discuss the proposal for the "new" apple valley, they send us memo after memo after memo! This is not goodz.

At least I know that Sazo and I (hihi Sazo and Sandy, thatz just dandy!) will go out on a date. he promized and we's going to a nice place to eat and maybe some bowling and pool. I think I will get a new hairstyle. I don't like my hair, maybe I will cut it...that might be nice, or maybe I will grow it longer...or get some highlights. I needs some new clothes too, maybe a nice jacket, I hear it will be cold, spring time when thingz are normals agains. I cants wait!

Monday, March 26, 2007

New Jobz

Repairz nots done yet. I still haven't gone out on date with Sazo, but I have arranged to move into thier cool apartment in thier loft. Bad newz, Jadhira moving next door into Gretta's empty apartment in her loft. Yikes, I stillz sees her. I guess it's ok...for now, but I wanta make new friendz.

I might get a job in the Gaming Career. It's safer for me to get a real job, not that working for a small business isn't a real job, but I have low skills and no badges or talent. Better to test video games. Hihi, might be pretty good. Maybe I might work as a cashier, I don't know, we will see once the hood gets back to normalz.

I wish repairz would be over, I'm ready to get on with my life!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Stupid Stupid!!!

Great, just when things seemed to be going so well, this stupid hoods annoucez thta they have to make repairz. Stupid stupid stupid! Nowz I can't ssee Sazo and I can't meet with Rayne about my buziness or anythings!

I no know how long this will bez, but I hope the repairz finish soon. Plus stupid hood say we have to go thrus a recreation process-stupid stupid stupid!!!!

But there might bez some good news. Sazo said that his parents might move to a loft home and rent out the apartment on the bottom floor-maybe I better move there and not with Gretta. Then I could see Sazo all the time and we can fall in love and get married and have babiez! I've beens dreaming of babies lately and weddings-maybe it's time we settled down. Hihi, funny, we haven't had a proper date yetz

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I'm in love!!!! Perhaps I'm a bit too rash, but I've met the most wonderful man!!! Jadhira and I were invited to a dinner downtown and the most wonderful man lives at that house with his family. He is dashing, handsome, smart and rich! I couldn't take my eyes off of him and he off of me. We shall meet again, he is sooo wonderful. We shall dance in the moonlight and have two children, a boy with curly red hair and a girl with straight black locks, and a dog, my puppy Sheba. We'll have a parrot and eat cake everyday for dessert.

I am in love!!! I know it!!! This is the one, it must be! Has to be! Wonderful sweet love! The way he says my name when he calls, the way his green eyes look at me. Lalalala!!! We shall be sooo happy!!! I can not wait! O, who will be my bridesmaid?!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Moving Out

I am moving out! I found a place downtown and will move in on the next simday...whenever that occurs. There was an ad in the local paper. "Apartment for sale! 160 sqtiles. Two bedroom, one bath. Downtown. $10000 or $1000/simday rent" I called and made an appointment to see the apartment. Right now the family lives there, but they will move upstairs and I will have the downstairs apartment, plus I get to keep Sheba. There is a fireplace, cool kitchen with ultra cool furniture, exposed brick walls, wood floors and the most awesome view. I have big windows in the back that look over downtown. Not as cool of a view that the upstairs apartment must be, but still cool and my own space. No more stepping over Jadhira and her books and Sheba can run around and there is a little piece of land. Outside the apartment is the common area. They said that when I move in, the area will be spruced up a bit with place to collect mail and packages, sitting area for company and *maybe* an indoor grill. Too bad I don't have a balcony like the upstairs apartment does. But this will be great. $10,000 and no rent payments after that. I need to get a loan, and a job.
Downtown is cooler than Apple Valley proper, more noise, more parties, maybe I will meet more men downtown. The hood council said that they will have a party for us, so we can meet more of the residents. Lots of sims seem scared of Jadhira and I, not many introduce themselves. Maybe I should stop stealing thier papers. Ah wells.

I will meet with Rayne soon. I need to take a loan for the apartment and will have to take a loan to start my own store. I can not wait. Sandy's Pet World...or maybe Sandy's Animals...or Furry Friends! I will sell pet collars and wombats and food and fish and maybe, just maybe, I sell dogs and cats. RightO, I need simoleans!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

My Puppy

I have a puppy. I was visiting a new neighbor, well, actually I was taking a walk and got lost. She came out and said hello and her dog had puppies and they were cute so I brought one. Jadhira complains that Sheba is loud, but I love her to pieces. Such a cutie! Now all I needs is a family to go with my puppy. Too bad I dropped out of college, but I think coming here was worth it. University doesn't help you find a man-hihi! The puppy's former master, Rayne, owns a toy shop. She said that she was thinking of expanding the shop and selling animals. We will talk more later, she said that I could rent the extra space from her and own my own store. Maybe I could sell nice puppy collars and food! I'm not sure how the arrangement would work. Maybe I could work for her as a trainee and then rent the space from her, maybe I should start my business right away. We will have coffee and talk more on another simday, I am busy with my new puppy and I have to find a new place since the boarding house doesn't let you have pets. Stupid rules.